Vapor reference cells and BEC-MOT cells are specialties at Precision Glassblowing. That is why we also specialize in providing technical support — for these and all our products. For questions or quotes regarding Alkali Vapor Wavelength Reference cells, BEC-MOT cells, and Gas Wavelength Reference cells, please give us a call and ask for:
Jay Meikrantz / Sales or Ron Bihler / CEO & Director of R&D
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Also, below you will discover a few of the more common issues that can be avoided with your vapor reference cells as well as your BECs and MOTs.

Alkali Vapor Wavelength Reference Cells
These cells contain alkali atoms such as cesium or rubidium that absorb light at specific wavelengths.
One issue that can affect the performance of these cells is devitrification, which is the process of quartz atoms rearranging themselves into a crystalline structure. This can affect the optical properties of the quartz, cause it to lose its glassy structure, and increase the risk of cracking or breaking.
Devitrification can be caused by contamination, atmosphere, or elevated temperatures.
Another issue that can occur with these cells is solarization, which is a form of devitrification that occurs when quartz is exposed to deep ultraviolet radiation in a high-temperature environment. This can happen when running organics at high power settings on ICP instruments.
Solarization can cause microscopic stress cracks in the quartz that can weaken the cell and cause it to fail.

These cells are used to create and manipulate Bose-Einstein Condensates (BECs) and Magneto-Optical Traps (MOTs) of ultracold atoms.
One issue that can affect these cells is the presence of background gases or impurities that can cause collisions or scattering with the trapped atoms. Subsequently, this can reduce the lifetime and coherence of the BECs and MOTs.
Another issue that can affect these cells is the alignment and stability of the laser beams and magnetic fields that are used to cool and trap the atoms. As a result, any fluctuations or misalignments can cause heating or loss of atoms from the BECs and MOTs.

Gas Wavelength Reference Cells
These cells contain gases such as acetylene, hydrogen cyanide, or iodine that have well-defined absorption spectra.
One issue that can affect these cells is the pressure and temperature dependence of the absorption lines. Changes in pressure or temperature can cause shifts or broadening of the absorption lines. As a result, these can affect the accuracy and precision of the wavelength calibration.
Another issue that can affect these cells is the aging or degradation of the gas quality over time. For example, this can be caused by chemical reactions, diffusion, or leakage of the gas from the cell.