D-Torch for Spectro EOP without injector


Spectro EOP without injector


D-Torch for Spectro EOP without injector
P/N 30-808-3371

Cross Reference(s)

Instrument Compatibility: 
Spectro Modula/CIROS/Genesis/ARCOS

D-Torch for Spectro EOP without injector

The D-Torch is a revolutionary new demountable torch design. It provides the benefits of a fully demountable torch at a significantly lower cost. Interchangeable outer tubes made of quartz or ceramic are available. The ceramic outer tube is of particular benefit for the analysis of wear metals in engine oils, where quartz outer tubes often suffer from short lifetime. It is also beneficial for Si determinations, where quartz outer tubes often produce high background signals. In general the ceramic outer tube has a much longer lifetime, greatly reducing interruptions and downtime due to torch failure.

  • Demountable outer tube – why replace the entire torch when just the outer tube wears?
  • Interchangeable quartz and ceramic outer tubes.
  • Much lower cost than other demountable torches.
  • Choose the optimum injector for your application.