A Guide to ICP Torches and Consumables
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ICP torches are the most frequently replaced part of the ICP instrument. When a quartz ICP torch is heated (by plasma) it can undergo a process known as devitrification (which means becoming less glasslike). The process of devitrification can decrease the expected lifetime of the ICP torch.
Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) is a powerful technique for elemental analysis that requires high-quality consumables and accessories to ensure optimal performance and accuracy. Here we will explore the distinct types of glass components for ICP-MS and OES, such as nebulizers, spray chambers, torches, and cones.
During this exercise, we will examine how they affect the sample introduction, ionization, and detection processes. We will also discuss how to choose the right consumables for your instrument and application, and where to find them from reliable and reputable suppliers.
What are ICP Consumables?
Shop NowICP consumables are the parts of the ICP system that come in direct contact with the sample solution or the plasma. They include the following items.

ICP Nebulizers
Shop NowThese devices convert the liquid sample into a fine aerosol that can be transported to plasma. Nebulizers can be classified into pneumatic, ultrasonic, or direct injection types, depending on the mechanism of aerosol generation.

ICP Spray Chambers
Shop NowThese are chambers that remove large droplets and solvent vapors from the aerosol before it enters the plasma. Spray chambers can be classified into cyclonic, Scott, or double-pass types, depending on the shape and flow pattern of the chamber.

ICP Torches
Shop NowThese are quartz or ceramic tubes that house plasma and provide electrical and gas connections. Torches can be classified into one-piece or demountable types, depending on whether they can be separated into individual components or not.

ICP Cones
Shop NowThese are metal or ceramic nozzles that interface between the plasma and the mass spectrometer (MS) detector. Cones can be classified into sampler or skimmer types, depending on their position and function in the ion optics system.
These components are essential for ICP because they affect the efficiency, stability, and sensitivity of the analysis. They also need to withstand elevated temperatures, pressures, and corrosive environments and therefore require regular maintenance and replacement.

ICP torches are used for elemental analysis by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) techniques. They generate plasma that atomizes and ionizes samples for measurement. There are two main types of ICP techniques: ICP mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and ICP optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). These techniques differ in the detection system and the performance characteristics.

Detection System
ICP-MS measures the mass of ions by mass spectrometry. It uses a quadrupole or a magnetic sector to separate ions based on their mass-to-charge ratios. ICP-MS can also measure elemental isotope ratios by detecting different masses of the same element.
ICP-OES measures the wavelength of photons emitted by excited atoms and ions. It uses a spectrometer with a diffraction grating or a prism to separate photons based on their wavelengths. ICP-OES can also measure multiple elements simultaneously by detecting different wavelengths of the same sample.
Performance Characteristics
ICP-MS has higher sensitivity and lower detection limits than ICP-OES. It can reach parts per trillion (ppt) levels, while ICP-OES is limited to parts per billion (ppb) levels. ICP-MS is ideal for measuring trace elements with low regulatory limits or isotopic information.
In fact, ICP-OES can handle samples with higher total dissolved solids (TDS) or suspended solids than ICP-MS. It can measure up to 30% TDS, while ICP-MS is limited to 0.2% TDS. In fact, ICP-OES is preferred for measuring geological and inorganic materials with high matrix content or large sample sizes.
ICP-OES is also less expensive, simpler, and requires less maintenance than ICP-MS. It consumes less argon gas and does not need a clean room. ICP-MS has higher operating costs and more complex components that need frequent tuning and cleaning.

ICP Torches for Different Applications
ICP torches are versatile tools for elemental analysis by ICP techniques. Depending on the detection system and the performance characteristics, ICP-MS or ICP-OES can be chosen for different applications. ICP-MS is more sensitive and precise, but also more costly and complex. ICP-OES is more robust and economical, but also less sensitive and selective.
Choosing ICP Torches and Consumables
The choice of ICP torches and consumables depends on several factors. For example, these can depend on the type of instrument, the type of application, or the type of supplier.

The Type of Instrument
Different instruments have different specifications and requirements for their consumables. For example, some instruments may require specific nebulizer designs, spray chamber volumes, or cone materials to achieve optimal performance. Therefore, it is important to consult the instrument manufacturer’s manual or website for guidance on compatible consumables.
The Type of Application
Different applications have different analytical goals and challenges that may require different consumables. For example, some applications may require high sensitivity, low detection limits, or high matrix tolerance, which may require different nebulizer efficiencies, spray chamber designs, or cone geometries to achieve. Therefore, it is important to consider the analytical objectives and sample characteristics when choosing consumables.
The Type of Supplier
Different suppliers have different quality standards and prices for their consumables. Some suppliers may offer original equipment manufacturer (OEM) consumables that are identical to those supplied by the instrument manufacturer, while others may offer alternative or generic consumables that are compatible with various instruments. Therefore, it is important to compare the quality, performance, and cost of different suppliers when choosing consumables.
One way to find reliable and reputable suppliers of ICP consumables is to use online platforms such as Precision Glassblowing. PGB, considered to be one of the leading manufacturers’ suppliers by most OEMs, offers a wide range of more than 1,800 ICP consumables including custom for various instruments and applications.
Precision Glassblowing is a leading supplier of glass components for ICP that offers high-quality nebulizers, spray chambers, torches, and cones for various brands such as Agilent, PerkinElmer, Thermo-Fisher Scientific, Shimadzu, and more. They also offer custom-made consumables for specific needs.

ICP Torches and Parts at Precision Glassblowing
Shop NowICP torches and consumables are glass components that play a vital role in the sample introduction, ionization, and detection processes of ICP analysis. They include nebulizers, spray chambers, torches, and cones. Plus, they are chosen carefully by type of instrument, application, and supplier. By using online platforms such as Precision Glassblowing, Instrument Solutions, or PerkinElmer, you can find a wide range of high-quality consumables for various instruments and applications at competitive prices. In this way, you can ensure the optimal performance and accuracy of your ICP analysis.